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Almost An Adult

Almost An Adult is a recent film I worked on early this year for Jamaican- British artiste, Jords.

From March to this day, I still feel a heavy sense of fulfilment when looking at photos or watching the video. 

This job was such a REWARDING experience!

AAA for Jords meant ‘Angels & Ancestors’. The purpose of this film was to pay tribute to his grandparents and deliver his truest representation of the journey he took becoming a man and an artist. This piece of work took careful planning, intricate strategising and heavy commitment to execution. Honestly, I’m blessed to have been apart of something that meant and represented something so whole. For this reason, I share this with you now. 

The title, ‘Almost An Adult’ resonated with me on a deeper, spiritual level. I’m a 20-year-old woman, who is learning and growing each day. The phrase accurately represents my stage in life right now, literally almost an adult. As I transition, I digest some very valuable lessons, which I will share as I’m divinely inspired. From this set though, there was one key takeaway for me, which applied both to my professional and personal life. RESPONSIBILITY! Yes, no joke ting! I'm sure a child growing up, you were given little to no responsibilities but very very soon that would’ve changed. And for some, it might have crept up on you overnight. Eventually, though you slowly started to learn the concept of responsibility and gain some of your own whether at home, school, church or anywhere else. For me, I was always responsible for something in my circles and assumed leadership positions very early, which offered me a growing experience.  

Ultimately being an adult I all about maturing and taking responsibility. Producing a film also meant the same (and a lot of it). But, I accept and embrace it wholeheartedly. Each day provides me with a new set of responsibilities that I have to tackle head-on. Even further, I learn to keep myself accountable, despite my several failures. I take my L's like a Champ! Honestly, it's hard but failing is a natural part of the process and I’ve grown to be very mindful of my perceptions and attitudes towards responsibility. Maintaining a positive outlook on heavy things, for me is an absolute essential. Naturally, I am a person who loves to observe and appreciate the silver lining in every situation and I attempt the very same with my least favoured obligations. Just like you...I roll my eyes, kiss my teeth, get distracted and give up. But at the end of the day, I’ve gotta get it done and I do get it done!

As for me, I will continue to learn, grow and most importantly, Constantly Evolve. I’m Almost an Adult.

Thanks so much for allowing me to share a bit of myself with you guys, stay tuned for future reads. In the meantime, check out the film and enjoy some BTS!




Directors: Curtis Essel & Nwabugo

Cinematography: Curtis Essel

Producer (Jamaica): Wengi Kofia

Producer (London): Daniel Aremu

First Assistant Director (Jamaica): Nickii Kane

First Assistant Camera (Jamaica): Davvy Fresh

Drone Operator: Cesar Buleto

Gimbal Operator: Dennis Fyffe

Stylist (Jamaica): Koji & Osunya Rose

Stylist (London): Connor Gaffe & Jade Douse

Wardrobe (London): Conscious

Production Assistants (Jamaica): Antonette Hines & Jeana Lindo

Production Assistants (London): Amber Greene, Edem Wornoo & Natalie Wilson

Production Company: 33 BOUND

Model Crew (Jamaica): Ainsley Chuck, Yvonne Mccalla Sobers, Tevin Baker, Jalen Taylor, Gordon McDowell, Jeff Crossley, Jerome James, Kabari Reid, Malique Dawkins, Matthew, Navaski Drummond, Kevin, Romar Peart, Shamar, Travis Bailey & Chase Sovereign

‘Halos’ Cast (London): Thea Gajic, Nathaniel James Warner & Nova Joy Gajic-Warner ‘Patterned’ Cast (London): Christopher “Dotty” Brown, Jason Kavuma, Miron Iruthayanathan, Jamahl Rowl-Alcide, Sebastian Bregger, Lauris Chin, Joshua Thompson, Olivia Hooper, Judah Brown & Arjun Selvarajah

Dancer: Michael Small

Featured Actress: Akina Christina Eman

Grandma: Evelyn Jasmine Edward

Grandad: Hubert Roy Wilks

Sister: Lydia Edwards-Wilks

Brother: Benjamin Edwards-Wilks

Exec Producers: Jordan ‘Jords’ Wilks & Steven Odufuye

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