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Looking for my next
to make a change, whilst stacking briks

the right way.


This is ME

Digital Marketing  Writing   Content Creation 

 Production  Social Media

Events Planning    Advocacy Initiatives Creative Projects

I co-direct a Sexual & Reproductive Health rights initiative!

I co-direct Girls Who Know Ja with my best friend, Chelsea Wright. Girls Who Know Ja is a youth-led non-profit initiative that educates adolescent females about their Sexual & Reproductive Health rights in Jamaica. Our initiative presents the messages of Comprehensive Sexuality Education by use of various platforms, primarily social media but also via traditional media, forums and speeches.   


I am a multi-dimensional woman and I pretty much dabble in a bit of everything that interests me. But, at my core is an undying passion for creative development, content creation, female rights advocacy and anything- soul. I’m here to share with you insightful digestions that will encourage you to Live Gloriously, Intentionally and Purposefully. I will also show you how to stack briks the right way, whilst making a change in the world! As you read the blog, you will be exposed to content based on those two themes. The Visual Vibes will just give you a glimpse of photos I like and life from my eyes.

So yeah! Here's to it, hope you enjoy! xoxo

I am a Business Creative.  

I create content & work in the Creative Industry!


This is how I stack right! I am a Digital Creator. I work primarily in Digital Marketing and Production. My affiliated companies are Digital Danes, Carter's Consultancy, Wengikofia Consultancy & Very Culture. I create content and assist with production, logistics and marketing. I also dabble in a bit of graphic design, video editing and photography personally (which are skills I'm still working to master). I'm all about Stackin' briks THE RIGHT WAY!


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2020 | Written & Designed by Antonette Hines.

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