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The most echoed phrase when on set, after "CUT!" of course. Aah, let's talk briefly about one experience being on set. Set life is one hell of a roller-coaster but I LOVE IT ! It's a joy ride, so exhilarating but also scary and gut-sinking. But this is apart of what I do, I produce. I create content in different forms and I act as a team player in manifesting great ideas. Let me tell you about one great idea I was blessed with the opportunity to help manifest.


Ziah, a Jamaican artiste who is a G on the violin, released his single, Black Magic Woman over a year ago, back in February of 2019. His song was a hit and a favourite for many. All he needed now was a music video release to tie it all in. And here's where I come production. I've been exposed to the world of production for a few months now, all thanks to my company, Wengikofia Consultancy and Travis, who believes in me. My role as Production Assistant/ Junior Producer if you will, has taught me a lot. With each set, comes a new territory of experiences and takeaways. Oftentimes, I grapple with myself at the end of each one; contemplating on how I can be more prepared for the next or what to improve on.

I'm sure you can imagine the intensity on any set. It's super hectic, loud, hot, frustrating and just, overwhelming honestly! But again, it's all worth it. Everyone tries their best to get the job done well with minimal screw-ups, but alas, that ideal isn't often the reality. What remains though is the finish; a strong one. The satisfying thrill of hearing, "And that's a wrap" is always so fulfilling and relieving. Finally, we breathe...oh but only for a moment until you have to pack up, head out and tackle post-production. Now, I don't say all of this to say that Black Magic Woman was a set with a whole lot of screw ups but it certainly was a journey. A journey with the same satisfying finish and valuable lessons.

This particular set taught me how to trust the process. Oftentimes, we find ourselves in situations that seem so dark and unsatisfying. We often yearn for that happy finish, but the process just proves the opposite. In that moment of hating the process and not getting a glimpse at that happy finish, you can easily become demotivated or discouraged. The key here though is to deposit that trust in the process and apply yourself regardless. Black Magic Woman was a process I had to trust but I enjoyed it despite. As I go along though, I'll continue to recount my most important lessons and/or observations, but for now, enjoy the end result of Black Magic Woman and some BTS by me. Stay tuned for my next post about one other production gig, it's gonna be lit!


Full Video:


Director & DP- @the_denni

Grip- Dave Hall ⁣






Special shoutout! to@coolimint

* The Instagram handles for crew members are the ones tagged above.

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