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Planted by the Rivers of Intention



done on purpose; deliberate.

Hey you! Are you living intentionally? Are you living on purpose and in purpose? Okay, let’s talk! 

Being intentional calls for commitment. It is very very easy for us to lose sight, drop our guard or accept defeat but it’s better not to. 

“The quality of your commitments will determine the course of your life.” – Ralph Marston

Here’s how you can make that commitment, cultivate a sense of intention for your life and start living on purpose and in purpose! 

First, Start with Quality soil.

Life is all about choices. You were made with the ability to make decisions independently. Life was given to you in abundance and YOU ultimately decide how to live it. With the rise of each day, you determine what outfit to wear, what to have for breakfast, what tasks to complete and the whole works. When I say start with quality soil, I mean start with your mind- an abundance mindset. The world is yours for the taking, so take it on purpose and in purpose. You choose your attitude, your outlook and you call the shots. You’re in control. You don’t have to be tied down by a dull, uninspired life. Reinvent it for YOU. Tend to your soil.  

Next, Evaluate. 

Question the condition of your life. Are you okay with it? Are you okay with your mental state, physical, emotional, spiritual? What can you do differently? What external factors affect your decision-making process? Take the time to debunk what goes on internally. Sift through your soil for bugs, weeds or fungi. Think of your soil’s conditions that best fit your seed and go get it! Those seeds would be your intention. Consider what state of mind would accommodate specific intentions and prepare your soil for those seeds. 

Now, You Plant. 

Plant your seeds. Plant your intentions. Here, you will make a decision and watch your decision to evolve. In other words, you’ve now planted and will watch your plant grow. Once you’ve set those intentions in your mind, they’ll guide your life. Because then, you would have decided to live intentionally and your actions will follow the course. Water your plant, fertilise it and do it with love. Refresh your intentions, revisit your decisions, correct them as you go along and do it all with, love. 

I promise you after this journey you will identify its effectiveness and be very proud of your life. Watch your little plant grow and manifest into a blooming creation that inspired and beautifies.

Be that plant, Constantly Evolve (on purpose).


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