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We'll Cry GLORY!

One day when the glory comes, it will be ours! 

I’m sure we all desire to taste GLORY, to bask in that great pride and pleasure of ourselves. We think, "Yes! Glory is mine, my destiny." But we forget the journey it requires. We tend to back down from that challenge and take other routes, often the easier ones. But in the end, we regret our decisions because we lead ourselves to a place we never wanted to be in the first place. Now you may wonder, "How do I escape that. How do I not make the wrong decision?" Simply put, the answer is within you. You are your source; it all begins internally.

Fundamentally, you must be able to identify your purpose and decipher your sense of fulfilment and wholeness. Now you may wonder, "Well how I determine that. How do I find my purpose and know when I'm complete?" Introspect. Experience. Embody. Three words, here's some insight:

Introspection. Take a journey into self. Unfold the realms of your heart, soul, body and mind. Be in touch with all that courses within you. Listen, observe and take notes.

Experience. Take action. Dive into the different layers of yourself. Explore and create memories. Take note of your likes, dislikes, interests, disinterests, frustrations, joys, strengths, weaknesses, all of it!

Embody. Reconcile with self. Acknowledge your passions and purpose. Accept the layers and characteristics of self. Embrace them, Embody them. Allow yourself to be molded and become all that you've ever wanted to be.

Aah, I'm sure you may now realise that this is no easy feat and certainly an ongoing journey. But, it is possible. Glory can be yours. And I say can because like most things, it's a choice. You choose your path, you choose how to take it and essentially, you can choose how to position yourself for this glory. Most people identify glory with materialism. Making bank loads of money, driving nice cars and living luxuriously #bestlife. But your best life is nothing without achieving intrinsic glory. And this is the glory I emphasise. The type of glory that is channeled through mental and spiritual growth.

It's about honouring our social responsibilities to our communities, living a life of example, connecting spiritually and living in love and light. This glory is intrinsic; channeled from within and absent of vanity. It doesn't chase material things or physical pleasures; but instead self-fulfilment and true joy.

I want you to consider your intangible footprints. And these are the impressions you leave on this world; marked by your character, energy, demeanour and attitude. How have you interacted with people? How have you made your space a better place? Did you add meaningful value to your community? Were you honest? Were you supportive? Were you cheerful and optimistic? Could people see light in you? Did you see light in yourself? So many questions can be asked and the answers may not be apparent. But that is okay. I simply want you to understand this- the real glory is channeled within and not from your pocket. Work on your intrinsic value, allow yourself to be committed to the journey and watch the blessings unfold. Always remember, they're two sides to a story; one-mindedness limits you. And I say this because even though you're working on your internal, doesn't mean the external should suffer. Let's try both! One Day, we'll cry GLORY.


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